There is a road to greatness but it needs to be discovered; there is a way to pursue your dreams and watch them transform into reality but the path is not always a straight one; it has curves and turns, even speed breakers—what we need to do is to make our own way through these. C.F.S.S.S. since the time of its inception, pursued academic excellence and focused on the overall personality development of its students. With the unwavering support of the Pro-Vice Chairperson, the dedication of committed teachers and the continued cooperation of parents, I am confident that our students shall go very far….
In times of profound change, the learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists,” a thought that one needs to reflect upon deeply because the process of getting education is not restricted to school alone, it is a lifelong one and permeates all aspects of our lives. It is not only about what lies within the pages of the text books, it is a process wherein one needs to continuously learn new things, gain new knowledge, have new experiences and thereafter assimilate this information in such a way for it to prove beneficial to oneself and to the world around. Qualities like empathy, sacrifice, tolerance, kindness, caring and sharing need to go hand in hand with learning to excel and being the best. We, at C.F.S.S.S, nurture these sentiments and much more, and would want our children to be good human beings above all else.
Our imagination should be fostered and emotions refined. The inquisitive mind, intuitive heart, the sensitive spirit and the searching conscience should be developed.Equipped with modern amenities with all the latest techniques and models the infrastructure of the school nourishes the creativity and invincibility which is developed spontaneously among the students and the result is remarkable progress & performance in scholastic as well as non-scholastic and competitions aiming to develop artistic and non-scholastic skills through Music, Art, Yoga & Meditation.
My message to all my students is to find out what your strengths are and where your weaknesses lie, for you to overcome the worst and aspire for the best. Students of today need to grow into sensitive world citizens, quick to adapt to an ever changing scenario while being more globally aware in order to take their own place in the world order. We, as educators, work to bring out the best of all the qualities inherent within our children and with their efforts and determination, I am sure the future shall be a very bright one for our school and its students.
Md. Deepshikha Dandu